Member Benefits

This club is a volunteer, nonprofit corporation dedicated to protect and Enhance Lake Ped Oreille and its fisheries. All proceeds raised by LPOIC from donations, derbies, memberships, grants, annual pin auction and misc., activities are used to fund our projects as well as operating costs. 
We are proud that our members attending meetings donate what they can to the local Food Banks and that the club in turn matches those funds quarterly.  We are very excited that we can also give back to the community by offering up to 8 scholarships to graduating students in different high school districts through donations from individuals and businesses of the local communities. 
LPOIC has worked for many years in cooperation with Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Trout Unlimited, Bonner County Sportsman's Association, Avista, our County Commissioners and others on projects to enhance Lake Pend Oreille's fisheries.   
There are four different levels of membership. 
Adult - $40 (starts at age of 18) 
Junior (age group 1-17) - $10
Corporate - $150 - Similar to Adult Membership plus a second person may be selected to be on your membership and become an Adult Member.   
Platinum - $500  Similar to Adult Membership plus a second person may be selected to be on your membership and become an Adult Member.  You also receive a special wooden plaque with your business name on it, the year of sponsorship and our appreciation for your sponsorship.   
Dues are payable on January 1 each year and are good thru Dec 31 of that year.