LPOIC Members Meeting WLDC 8-14-24
Attending: Barb Gillespie, Dave Gillespie, Nancy Spence,Dale Greene, Denton McGlothlin, Mark Townsend, Gregory Potts, Shannon Potts, Fritz Weidenhoff and Marlin Pihl. Online:Rob Behrens, Chris Holmes, Josh Shelton and Brad Shelton.
Correspondence: Roger Blackstone added $200 more to his $100 donation to support a Catch and Release Place in the Derby.
Minutes from 7-10-24 available
LPO Today: Dave G. said he has had some luck for rainbows south end dodger/white fly.
Mack of the Month July won by Peter Comstock 13.55 lbs. Dale Greene leading August 9.40 lbs.
Old Business: Newsletters will be distributed at 8-28-24 Board Meeting.
New Business:
Discussed Seminars for future Meetings.
Need a headcount for Sullivan Springs to order lunches.
Dale G. Dave G. and Kevin E. will ferry to Sullivan Springs.
New officers and board of directors are: Dave Gillespie VP, Dale Greene Secretary, Nancy Spence Treasurer, Christine Sandahl Board, Carter Sandahl continuing Board and Barb Gillespie continuing Board.
Old pin sales will start September 1st, contact barb.twogills@gail.com. Announcements will be on the website and Facebook.
Dale G. will file for Derby Permit with the Sheriff's office. Nancy S. will apply for Avista $.
Members Only Derby begins September 21st. We need volunteers to distribute the Derby Packets and Newsletters. Online ticket sales will start August 20th. We still need a Weighmaster for MacDonald’s Resort if anyone has a candidate. Dave G. could use someone to share Derby Master duties.
No updates yet on Garfield Bay cleanup.
As far as we know there will be the full schedule of Derbies lined up for this Fall. The two that we have a connection with are the Halloween Derby that will start on October 26th and our Thanksgiving Derby that begins on November 23rd.
Nancy S. would like to set up a Committee to look into voting online and one to look into the Club’s future without the 70 plus year old leadership that is now.
A replacement wind prediction app is available on the Club Website Homepage: current lake conditions…..NOAA wind model a starting replacement here.
Donations to Food Bank: $7 matched by Club $7.
50/50 won by Barb G. $13. $13 to Scholarship Fund.
Tackle Share Proceeds to Scholarship Fund. Denton McG.$6 for Chrome Perch U-20 from Marlin Pihl. Mark Townsend $70 for telescoping rubberized net from Nancy S.
Door Prize won by Nancy S. $30 Gift Certificate N. 40.
Members Only Derby September 21 and 22.
Thanksgiving Derby November 23 thru December 1 excluding Thanksgiving Day Nov 28.
Next Board Meeting 8-28-24 6:00 PM WLDC.
Next Members Meeting 9-11-24 6:00 PM WLDC.
LPOIC Members Meeting 7-10-24 WLDC
Attending: Dale Greene, Dan Harder, Dave Gillespie, Barb Gillespie, Mark Townsend, Nancy Spence, Denton McGlothlin, Mike Mattes, Fritz Wiedenhoff and Jim Clamp.
Correspondence: Thank you notes from Scholarship recipients.
Minutes from the previous meeting were handed out.
LPO Today: Flasher and Hoochie Kilroy to Granite down 90 for Rainbow.
Mack of the Month: Dale Greene won June 10.65 lbs. Pete Comstock leading July 13.55 lbs.
Old Business
Nancy S. supplied a spreadsheet on Spring Derby profit/loss $4283 positive.
Members Only Derby Posters available at August 28th Board Meeting.
Changes for MOD: $60 entry, $3000 1st place Rainbow, 8-6 Sat, 8-5 Sun weigh in.
Trying for online Derby Tickets starting Aug 21st.
New Business
Seminars for Club Meetings
Annual Club Picnic July 13. Pulled Pork from The View. Nice rod and reel drawing.
Comments on Cleanups. Garfield Bay, Bayview and Granite Creek.
Elections at Club Picnic. Hope to have ballots set up online for next election in 2025
Deadline for Summer Newsletter article submission July 15.
Old Pin sales: $5 each picked up at Meeting. $5 + for shipping.
Noaa Wind forecast ended June 24th. (from Club Website)
Food Bank Donations $9 and matched by LPOIC.
50/50: $17 to Scholarship Fund, $17 to winner Dan Harder, Donated back to Scholarship Fund.
No Tackle Share
Door Prize: Dave Gillespie won $30 Gift Certificate to North 40.
Next Board Meeting 7-24-24 on ZOOM at 5:30PM
Next Members Meeting 8-14-24 at WLDC at 6:00PM
Members Only Derby 9-21-24 and 9-22-24.
Fall Thanksgiving Derby 11-23 thru 11-27 and 11-29 thru 12-1-24.