Fishing Derby Signup

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2025 Spring Derby

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04/26/2025 6:00 am
05/04/2025 4:00 pm
Lake Pend Oreille
  • Adult Entry - (Only available 03/26/2025 - 05/04/2025)
    - Registration Cost: $60.00
    Adult Entry for anyone ages 18 and over
  • Junior Entry - (Only available 03/26/2025 - 05/04/2025)
    - Registration Cost: $10.00
    Entry for Juniors 13-17 years of age
  • Youth A Entry - (Only available 03/26/2025 - 05/04/2025)
    Entry for Youth ages 9-12
  • Youth B Entry - (Only available 03/26/2025 - 05/04/2025)
    Entry for Youth ages 0-8 years old
LPOIC Annual Spring Derby
Youth A&B Entries are Free but Must Be Pre-Registered


1.      All participants agree to abide by the regulations of the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the rules set forth by the Lake Pend Oreille Idaho Club. General public regulations shall apply to all commercial fishing license holders. If any person aboard a boat is found guilty of an Idaho Fish and Game violation during this derby, all persons on that boat at the time of the violation will be disqualified from the derby.

2.      If any person in a boat has a derby ticket, all persons on that boat who have a current Idaho Fishing License MUST also be registered in the derby. This includes youths (see #5). Note: Charter Boats must also comply with this rule or all those on board will be disqualified. No Exceptions!

3.      Only fish caught in Lake Pend Oreille may be entered during this tournament. FISH CAUGHT IN THE CLARK FORK RIVER OR ANY TRIBUTARIES OF LAKE PEND OREILLE ARE NOT ELIGIBILE!

4.      All participants in the derby must register prior to fishing and must have the LPOIC Derby Registration form in their possession when entering fish. Only online and paper Derby Registrations are allowed.

5.      Youths 12 years and under must register for the derby. Youths who register at no cost are eligible for all Youth Category prizes only and not eligible for any adult paid registration prizes. These youths are required to enter their fish by text containing a clear picture of both their registration form and of the length of their entry. OR youths may register for the adult categories by paying the established adult fee, following the rules to weigh in their fish at approved weigh stations, but by doing so become ineligible for any of the Youth Category prizes.

6.      All fish that must be legally caught and entered into a division that requires an official weight will be transported by boat to one of the three (3) official weigh stations; Holiday Shores Resort, Garfield Public Boat Ramp and MacDonald s Hudson Bay Resort in Bayview. The LPOIC Derby Weigh Stations will be posted at all of the LPOIC Derby Registration Outlets prior to the derby and listed on the LPOIC website at FISH MUST BE WEIGHED IN BY THE DESIGNATED END OF DAY TIME AND ON THE DAY CAUGHT. The Derby Master will announce the END OF THE DAY TIME and locations of all approved weigh stations throughout the derby.

7.      Multiple weigh-ins are allowed on Rainbows and Mackinaw.

8.      In the event of a tie, the first fish weighed in will determine the winner.

9.      All entrants are eligible for only one award in each category.

10.  Any disputes regarding eligibility of a fish or an angler will be decided by the LPOIC Board of Directors and all decisions will be final.

11.  The LPOIC Board of Directors has the right to refuse participation in any of the LPOIC derbies by informing the individual by mail or any other means prior to the start of the derby. If the denied participant purchases a ticket after being notified, the registration fees paid by them will be returned to them by mail and they will be ineligible for any derby prizes. Note: Anyone fishing on the denied participant s boat will be ineligible for any derby prizes.

12.  Winners will become final after verifications are completed by the derby committee and LPOIC Board of Directors. Winners will be announced on LPOIC/Facebook and All winnings will be mailed by USPS or UPS. All Anglers that receive more than $600 in annual prizes must file a W-9 with the LPOIC.

13.  The lake Pend Oreille Idaho Club is not responsible for any injuries or liabilities. Each entrant acknowledges and agrees that LPOIC s Tournament Director, its agencies, etc. are not responsible for deaths, injuries, damages, disabilities, theft, fire or losses of any kind to entrants in any of the LPOIC Derbies.

14.  There will be no refunds of Derby registration fees for any reason. No Exceptions!

15.  Any changes made to these Derby Rules will be announced by the Derby Master throughout the Derby.